Our First Christmas Tree

On the Friday after Thanksgiving my Dad and I went out on our land in Sturgeon Bay to look for a Christmas tree. It took us a while but we finally found a decent one. After cutting it down with one of those chains attached to an engine, we set it next to the garage for safe keeping till I had to head back to Milwaukee. We were lucky that it rained that weekend too, it washed my tree off for me and, after it froze, made it slide right into my Honda Accord. I fit the entire tree in there – very snuggly I may say! (I should have took a picture of that..) The back seat folds down so there was plenty of room. I may sleep back there next summer if I go camping.

So on Sunday I packed the empty space in my car with a bunch of house plants, a plant stand, my weekend stuff, and my guitar and new amp (why did I bring that home – DAVE!?). I would have put another end table in there that my Mom just refinished but then I wouldn’t have had room for me, and who would have drove then? By the way, every time I go home my Mom fills my car with “stuff” – she’s what they call an “antique collector” (aka junk specialist). Needless to say I have a lot of furniture for only owning my home for little over a year.

The drive was pretty uneventful, as was the tree decorating, but I’m going to tell you about that anyway. Melisse’ and I have been looking for gold and red decorations for a couple weeks now, we don’t have that much but we didn’t want to spend 5 quadrabillion dollars either. After the tree was all set up, we put some ribbon on it in spiraling strands, and placed the ornaments on there in peculiar places. Melisse’ made some cool ribbon bows that were so freakin’ awesome I had to go change my pants.

Here are some pictures of our first Christmas tree:

Melisse' putting on the angel  Both of us next to the masterpiece

We are so ready for New Years.. :)






6 responses to “Our First Christmas Tree”

  1. Dirk Avatar

    Dude, I know. And my tree is still up..

  2. Tim Avatar

    This page is starting to taste stale.

  3. Tim Avatar

    Dude, you got wood.

  4. Dirk Watkins Avatar

    That’s right. I deliver.

  5. Michelle Avatar

    Thanks for the CD Dirq!

    My life is now complete!

  6. Michelle Avatar


    Where’s my stinkin’ Charlie Brown music?
    My life is incomplete without it
