Category: Web Development

  • Notifying DBAs of New SharePoint Databases

    In our production environment, the Database Administrators like to know when a new database is created or dropped. As well they should.  They normally use a DDL trigger to send out an email when one of these events occurs.  The problem we ran into was that in Windows SharePoint Services 3 (WSS3/SharePoint 2007), the trigger…

  • How to Run SQL Server Management Studio as a Different Windows User

    If you’re using Windows Authentication for your SQL Server database you’ll need to run SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) as that Windows account to test queries.  SSMS normally runs as the user logged in to Windows, but there is a simple way to run it as the database access account. Just shift-right-click on a shortcut…

  • Quickly See a Table’s Columns in SSMS

    When looking at long queries you’ll typically need to remember what data is in one of the tables.  SSMS allows the creation of shortcut keys that can be used to quickly look at the first row in a table.  You’ll then be able to see the column names and some example data. In SQL Server…

  • Remove Windows Authentication Prompts in Firefox

    If you have intranet sites using Windows Auth that are not fully qualified domain names (fqdn) (like http://companyintranet/) you probably noticed that Firefox constantly prompts your users to enter their windows authentication credentials.  You can easily get Firefox to work like IE by allowing automatic logins. Go to “about:config” Filter the keys down to “network.automatic”…

  • Easy Properties in Visual Studio

    In a Visual Studio 2012 class file, type “prop” and then press tab twice.  There are a few options, but at least check out “prop” and “propfull”.  This will create a template getter/setter property for you!  When you modify the datatype and the variable names, they’ll update in both.  Try it! Properties are especially useful in…